
Monday, 16 December 2013

INTERNET SEARCHES: Jesus Is The Most Famous Person In History, Find Out Who Comes 2nd & 3rd!

Jesus is the most important person in history, according to a new Internet search programme that ranks Napoleon Bonaparte, a French military and political leader, the first Emperor of France, second, and Mohammed, a religious, political, and military leader from Mecca who unified Arabia into a single religious polity under Islam, third. 
The software, developed in the United States of America, scours the Internet for opinions expressed about famous people and uses a special algorithm to predict how important they will remain 200 years after their death.
English poet and playwright William Shakespeare is in fourth place, who comes above U.S. presidents Abraham Lincoln (fifth) and George Washington (sixth). Adolf Hitler, Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party, dictator of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945, is ranked at number seven. Aristotle at eight, while Alexander the Great at nine and another US president Thomas Jefferson help make up the top 10.
Surprisingly, the late Nelson Mandela ranks only 356th - well below President Barack Obama at 111th place.
Steven Skiena, professor of computer science at Stony Brook University, in New York, and his colleague Charles Walker, a Google engineer, said the algorithm can also be used to measure social changes, notably the importance of women in society.
They say, "We can prove that women have required substantially greater achievement levels than men - equivalent to around four IQ points - to get noticed for posterity."
Singer and actress Madonna, at 121st, trumps legendary musician John Lennon (162nd); however, Elvis Presley reigns as the most famous pop musician in 69th. Winston Churchill, a British politician, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, in 37th place is well beaten by Theodore Roosevelt in 23rd place and even by George W Bush who is one place ahead in 36th.
  1. Jesus
  2. Napoleon
  3. Muhammad
  4. William Shakespeare
  5. Abraham Lincoln
  6. George Washington
  7. Adolf Hitler
  8. Aristotle
  9. Alexander the Great
  10. Thomas Jefferson
  11. Henry VIII of England
  12. Charles Darwin
  13. Elizabeth I of England
  14. Karl Marx
  15. Julius Caesar
  16. Queen Victoria
  17. Martin Luther
  18. Joseph Stalin
  19. Albert Einstein
  20. Christopher Columbus
  21. Isaac Newton
  22. Charlemagne
  23. Theodore Roosevelt
  24. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  25. Plato
  26. Louis XIV of France
  27. Ludwig van Beethoven
  28. Ulysses S. Grant
  29. Leonardo da Vinci
  30. Augustus
  31. Carl Linnaeus
  32. Ronald Reagan
  33. Charles Dickens
  34. Paul the Apostle
  35. Benjamin Franklin
  36. George W. Bush
  37. Winston Churchill
  38. Genghis Khan
  39. Charles I of England
  40. Thomas Edison
  41. James I of England
  42. Friedrich Nietzsche
  43. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  44. Sigmund Freud
  45. Alexander Hamilton
  46. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
  47. Woodrow Wilson
  48. Johann Sebastian Bach
  49. Galileo Galilei
  50. Oliver Cromwell
  51. James Madison
  52. Gautama Buddha
  53. Mark Twain
  54. Edgar Allan Poe
  55. Joseph Smith, Jr.
  56. Adam Smith
  57. David, King of Israel
  58. George III of the United Kingdom
  59. Immanuel Kant
  60. James Cook
  61. John Adams
  62. Richard Wagner
  63. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
  64. Voltaire
  65. Saint Peter
  66. Andrew Jackson
  67. Constantine the Great
  68. Socrates
  69. Elvis Presley
  70. William the Conqueror
  71. John F. Kennedy
  72. Augustine of Hippo
  73. Vincent van Gogh
  74. Nicolaus Copernicus
  75. Vladimir Lenin
  76. Robert E. Lee
  77. Oscar Wilde
  78. Charles II of England
  79. Cicero
  80. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  81. Francis Bacon
  82. Richard Nixon
  83. Louis XVI of France
  84. Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
  85. King Arthur
  86. Michelangelo
  87. Philip II of Spain
  88. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  89. Ali, founder of Sufism
  90. Thomas Aquinas
  91. Pope John Paul II
  92. René Descartes
  93. Nikola Tesla
  94. Harry S. Truman
  95. Joan of Arc
  96. Dante Alighieri
  97. Otto von Bismarck
  98. Grover Cleveland
  99. John Calvin
  100. John Locke

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