
Thursday, 31 October 2013

How Human Hair Weave Leads to Death of a Girl, Puts Other to Critical Condition

SHOCKING: How Human Hair Weave Leads to Death of a Girl, Puts Other to Critical Condition

Date Posted: 31/10/2013

Irene Myangoh, a personal assistant working at a law firm, went to a renowned hair salon along Kenyatta Avenue, in the Kenyan capital city of Nairobi, and spent more than N5,500 on a human hair weave.
Two weeks later she started suffering from severe headache that would not go away. She even could not sleep at nights and was forced to call a private doctor. The doctor proscribed her drugs for the relief of mild to moderate pain of inflammatory origin with or without fever. This did not solve Myangoh’s problems: the effect from the medicine lasted for a few hours only, and then the headache would be back worse than even before.
Desperate, the lady went to see another specialist who did blood tests and even a brain scan. All the tests were negative but the headache persisted, making her unable to concentrate at work and sleeping very poorly.
Fortunately, her doctor who decided to examine her scalp carefully, and, under the beautiful weave, he found worms!
The worms were burrowing into her skull and after sending the samples to the lab they found that the hair had eggs from which the worms had developed. Irene had to shave after this ordeal and took antibiotics for two weeks. The alleged reason of parasites appearance is that the hair has been taken from a dead body.
In a parallel story, a 16-year-old girl from Buruburu, a Nairobi surburb, also suffered similar fate, but unfortunately for her, she died.
The girl dropped dead after constant headaches. Cobweb eggs were found in her hair after corpse examination. The root of death was unnoticed spider eggs. The warmth produced after weaving provided a very conducive environment for the eggs to hatch.
A spider grew in her scalp and bit her. The poison found its way to her blood. She had no chance to survive the attack…

P.S. This article is not intended to harm the business hair salons.

Juliet Ibrahim In Sexy Catwoman Outfit

PHOTO: Juliet Ibrahim In Sexy Catwoman Outfit

Date Posted: 31/10/2013

One of the hottest and most gifted Ghanaian actresses, Juliet Ibrahim, has fully indulged into her new movie roll. Check out the photo of the sexy Juliet in the catwoman outfit.
Photo: Juliet Ibrahim in catwoman outfit

Today, In Nigeria, Justice Is On Trial – Wole Soyinka

Today, In Nigeria, Justice Is On Trial – Wole Soyinka

Today, In Nigeria, Justice Is On Trial – Wole Soyinka
Let me be candid. It was with mixed feelings that I accepted to deliver this lecture.
On the one hand, I felt that it was a duty owed, not simply to an individual who has endured the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” – to borrow from the famous soliloquy by our Bard for all seasons, Shakespeare – but because the very nature of that individual’s “slings and arrows” sums up what appears to be the most engrossing preoccupation of human society – that elusive quarry being, very simply – Justice.
Unvarnished. Unambiguous. Blindfolded as symbolic representation in judicial iconography but – decidedly not blind. Indeed, it strikes me now as being almost an entire lifetime ago when, little suspecting that I was summing up my own existential raison d’etre, I declared that: Justice is the first condition of Humanity.
To have declined to answer the call to deliver this address therefore would have left me with quite a few sleepless nights.
On the other hand, as some of you here may be aware, I had announced that I had had my fill of public interventions, and had enrolled as a student in that much underrated discipline known as – Retirement from Public Life.
I must admit that I have proved a disappointing student, indeed not merely disappointing but an ‘international embarrassment’.
If you don’t believe me, ask a newly minted addition to the academic world, female edition, who recently returned from South Korea with a doctorate degree in record time.
Mind you, the fault is not entirely mine. All my professors are on strike nation-wide, and so, a straightforward course that should have seen me graduate in a mere semester or two is being stretched – as has become the norm for thousands of my fellow students – stretched into an indeterminate future. Heaven alone knows when I can proceed to induction for my Youth Service!
Why did I take that ‘retirement’ decision – quotation marks – in the first place? For the same reason as many others have. There comes a point when one feels that all that can be said has been said.
The problem with that conviction of course is that one then becomes a compulsive reminder of what has indeed been spoken, crying out in spite of oneself – but I warned you. I told you so. So did others.
Didn’t So-and-so say the same thing barely a month ago? Etc. etc. It is a human compulsion, especially for those who have inherited, it would appear, some teaching genes somewhere down their family line.
Like all teachers, there come those moments of utter weariness and frustration when the teacher loses control and assaults his recalcitrant pupils physically, becomes an alcoholic, checks himself into a rehabilitation home for manic depressives, or takes to the order of the Trappists – that monkish order that is sworn to eternal silence, even among themselves.
And others go quietly mad. Whenever you encounter a gentleman in a somewhat threadbare suit and scuffed shoes, shuffling along the road while muttering to himself, perhaps with book in hand, intermittently barking out savagely, “What did I tell you? What did I just tell you?” – check on the background of that individual – he is likely to have been a former teacher, finally driven out of his wits.
To avoid that fate therefore, I am sure most psychiatrists will approve my recourse to a regimen of pre-emptive therapy, not claiming to be a prophet, but simply pointing out what has been said before.
This involves taking on the role of a memory prod in a structured way, quite unapologetically. Yes, many have warned. They have warned tirelessly and in various forms, become nearly deafened by the sound of their voices as it bounces back from the stone walls of indifference, complacency and/or complicity.
Some are dead, their hearts caved in by the sheer pummeling of predicted, avoidable disasters. Others are still living, their voices turned hoarse from the curse of repetitiousness.
The most notorious example of that today is of course the so-called National conference – of which more in a moment. As with many other propositions, the social context – which is ever changing – may provide a veneer of fresh thinking, but the stark truth is that all has been said, cogently and relevantly.
However, it would sometimes appear that ‘the stone that the builders rejected…..etc. etc. you know the rest. The question however is whether or not the optimism of the Scriptures – christian edition – is right, and that this rejected stone – often abusively dismissed – indeed proves to be the cornerstone of a new, modestly viable edifice.
However, even a child knows that, before the erection of a simple farm hamlet, the ground, large or small, has to be cleared, the debris burnt or ploughed back into the ground where it is converted into entirely new matter – compost – or else disposed of in such a manner that it loses its earlier capacity to obstruct, compromise or endanger the new organism.
Those who think they can erect a future without first ridding the ground of past debris fly against the natural order of regeneration. They carry with them negative baggage that already conflicts with the envisioned transformation, or a new organism.
Of all the conceivable negative baggage I can think of right now, the most pressing, I have always maintained, takes the form of a critical absence, subversion or suppression of – Justice.
One of the elementary lessons we all learnt from school, even those of us with incurably unscientific minds, is that – Nature abhors a vacuum.
In the absence of justice, something else takes its place, a monstrosity in myriad forms and shapes, fecund with yet unencountered horrors – indeed even as the portals of Justice are shut, the lid of a Pandora’s box is opened.
These are not mere figures of speech but narratives of experienced reality. No society is exempt, and no one experience is unique. They all differ in form, intensity and duration – no more.
How have we fared, within this environment that most immediately sustains us – well, sort of? I shall evoke here one of the most notorious public profile cases of the serial degradations of Justice that seemingly shook this nation to its foundations.
There are other cases we could cite – the murder of Dele Giwa for instance. Or Harry Marshall. Kudirat Abiola. Suliat Adedeji. A.K. Dikibo. Abukakar Rimi. Barnabas and Abigail Igwe, husband and wife, both officers of the law.
Or Chief Dina – lest I stand accused of omitting my own homestead. Or indeed numerous others, so quickly relegated into the sump of unsolved cases.
My choice today, the main reference point for our sobering retrospection is however singularly apt. Despite his terminal absence, that preeminent victim shares with our celebrant, albeit in a tragic mode, the ironic symbolism of ‘Justice in Denial’, a role that interrogates both the very concept and operations of Justice, and also, the main structure for its delivery, which is – the Judiciary.
No one will question the seismic impact of the circumstances that took him from our midst, a dastardly deed which, as already claimed, shook the nation to its very foundations. However, the nation did not topple over – from all appearances.
Nonetheless, I am reminded of the condition of Washington ‘Cleopatra’s Needle’ which dominates the zone of the seat of US government – Capitol Hill.
When Washington underwent an unprecedented earthquake in 2011, quite mild in comparison with those that regularly hit the other side of the continent – California especially – that nation gave a sigh of relief that very little damage had been done.
As we all know however, nations like the United States do not rest satisfied with appearances. Visible or not, internal damages – that very possibility – preoccupied the guardians of public monuments and safety.
Thus, after meticulous inspection, it was discovered that the landmark column had indeed been damaged, cracked so badly that it had become unsafe. It has been closed down since, undergoing repairs – no visitors allowed.
If you happen to visit Washington – as I did recently – you will find that famous plinth trussed up – but quite nicely – like a valued but badly injured athlete. Do try and have that image stamped on your mind as we proceed.
There are many events that sap the morale and integrity – even credibility – of nation being, many of them completely shut out from media mention, much less branded on the public mind. I consider the brutal elimination of the highest placed Custodian of the Law one such event.
This, I believe, is a reasonable attribution, especially when you consider that it is, in effect, from such a position that authority is derived by lesser officers of the law for the pursuit – or abandonment – of judicial proceedings.
Critical as his position is however, I make the claim that even this supervening responsibility is still subordinate to the role and obligations, and innate potentiality of the community for which he holds this office in trust.
This is why, despite all appearances, and although we cannot deny that the feet of justice often appear to tread slowly, and ponderously, indeed agonizingly snail paced, we need to fasten on to the conviction that, sooner or later, it arrives.
As long as a people exist in full self-awareness, conscious of their inherent designation as the final court of jurisdiction, Justice cannot be eternally denied.
And that leads directly to the ultimate question, one which – let me emphasize and re-emphasize – merely takes on extra cogency when the voices that are denied justice are those who embody and administer justice, such as our present Celebrant, and one that we have described as the Highest Custodian of the Law.
This question on my mind applies to every past and potential seeker after justice – from the administrators of justice themselves such as our protagonist here, to the bolekaja driver shot dead by a policeman for refusing to part with 50 kobo – and that question is this: what is the role of the rest of us – the in-between humanity – while that cry for justice awaits the arrival of the chariots of Law in its awesome Majesty?
Do we adopt, literally, that often misunderstood commentary of the very Attorney-General and Minister of Justice of the nation, the very figure whose butchery constitutes my core reference for today’s retrospective? Do we – fold our arms and “siddon look”?
Most of the time, it would appear that we have no option. When Justice appears to fail even its own immediate, high-echelon servants, fails to protect them and, failing, yet again fails to avenge them, the rest of us can be forgiven for succumbing to sheer inertia.
Don’t forget that we all live in sheer terror of that Majesty and hate to incur its wrath, often captured in that no-appeal writ – Contempt!
That always places limitations on our scope of commentary, especially while a case is under trial. Sub judice means, watch your tongue, and that is merely one of the many areas of absolute authority that the Law exercises over the citizen.
That Majesty exercises dominance over virtually all other claimants to the vector of Power – over the politician, governor, even over Heads of State – I speak of course of ordered society, not shambolic, anarchic spaces masquerading as democracies or, more honestly, as open dictatorships.
Under both – we need no reminders – anything goes. Even the supposed enforcers of the Law, high or low, become what are known as scofflaws.
Governors are blithely selective of what court orders they obey, and presidents become completely deaf and blind to judicial orders. Following examples from on high, even the smallest minnows in the seepage of officialdom become manic in the contest for the space of power.
Where they all are bested however, is in the province of Authority – there, Law dominates. Note, I do not even qualify this by saying – in an ideal state. I mean, at all times.
Law, even where it is temporarily obscured, emasculated, predominates. Written or unwritten – Law embodies the total will of society in its self-regulation and as unexceptionable vector of a people’s arbitrational intelligence – yes, Law exercises an Authority that transcends mere Power.
This is why we must task those who serve as administrators of Law with an ethical rigour, a measure that is paralleled perhaps only by what society expects of medical doctors who minister to a people’s physical and mental health, or religious ministers who are preoccupied with the requirements of the spirit.
I am always at great pains, repeating for the benefit of those who are sometimes torn, or caught between these two axes – Power, and Authority – that they are as alike as any two lobes of the kola nut.
They may look the same, smell the same, taste the same, wear the same tints but, neither weighs nor measures the same. Ask any botanist or – better still – kolanut farmer.
What else but this consensus of respectful submission to Law as Authority made it possible for the nation to keep silent during those years that a notorious torturer and butcher, under the late dictator Sanni Abacha, made a mockery of its system while under trial with a series of nauseous antics?
During that trial, he insulted the patient servitors of Authority as he played for time, deployed every delaying tactic conceivable, stretched every concessionary thread in the law to its absolute limit, impugned the integrity of the courts, ever hopeful of a change in the political order – that is, hopeful of the corrupt intervention of Power, of unprincipled political bargaining under electoral calculations and ambitions – a ploy that we know, nearly did succeed in his favour under one government.
We are speaking here of a proven torturer at the very least, once brimful of his trickle-down omnipotence, who engaged in cheap variations on Nollywood blustering stereotypes in a calculated bid to delete his date with the gallows.
However, we shall not allow that case to divert us from our ultimate destination. In any case, the ball has been thrown back into the lap of the Judiciary, making it sub judice. As quite readily admitted, some of us live in mortal terror of that No-Appeal judicial pronouncement known as – Contempt.
We need to continue to sustain ourselves with that confidence in the ultimate primacy of Authority over Power, especially where verdicts that stem from the former prove a hard pill to swallow.
Even outright dictatorships – theocratic, military or simply secular – make a pretence of acknowledging this substantive authority, although we are all familiar with how structures of delegated power make a mockery of that institution subtly or brutally, piecemeal or entirely, furtively or frontally.
Despite such affronts in impunity, we must continue to identify with, and draw social solace from this manifest differentiation: Power is one thing; Authority is another.
The former is constantly up for grabs, the latter, grounded in public will – barring of course the sweeping Marxist denunciation of Law as an expression of the ruling class.
One constantly vies for attention, for extrusive supremacy, the other is innately replete in its myriad manifestations, often understated and, finally – Power is limited and ephemeral, while Authority is boundless and timeless.
This is not to deny that there are instances where Power and Authority truly converge – that, after all, is one of the craved goals of democracy. Such instances abound, but they merely remind us of the differentiation.
Here is a case in point, if I may jog memories. Very early in our career of independence in the Western Region, after exhausting the judicial structures provided within the country itself, the contenders moved their case to the Privy Council in the United Kingdom.
On the eve of judgment, the Federal government, having been apprised of the tenor of decision, quickly passed a law that nullified, in one stroke, the jurisdiction of that body over the Nigerian legal system.
That is Power at work at its crudest, a classic case of the contest between Power and Authority. By that very act of renunciation however, in an ironic way, Power had merely acknowledged the hierarchy that assigns the gavel of supremacy to Authority over and above Power, and accorded, in the process, a moral victory to the plaintiffs in the case.
As we know from that history, Justice was slow to reassert itself but, ultimately, it did. And who were the handmaidens of that restitution? The people themselves. The thwarted humanity of a violated space.
This is why we must never despair. Where Justice appears to have failed, we discover that there is always a higher order of restitution lying in wait.
Of a similar, yet divergent tenor was the case of the former governor, presently Senator, a serial paedophile caught literally with his pants down. For that opportunistic pervert, it proved convenient to reverse the relationship between Power and Authority, assigning the former to Law and the latter to his personal Scriptures.
As with almost everything else, there is little more to add to what has already been said, but those who are still interested may wish to browse through one of my INTERVENTIONS series – Volume III – titled THE PRECURSSORS OF BOKO HARAM.
I urge that you keep just two thoughts in mind. One: when you enthrone your private, or sectional Authority in opposition to the collective, sooner or later comes along a more uncompromising private challenger to your fragmentary authority – small letters – armed with greater unscrupulousness and brutality.
And secondly: that this nation failed that underage girl who was sold as a mere sex object across national frontiers, one who deserved the protection of the Law.
As civil society, we surrendered to religious blackmail and intimidation, and the beneficiary of that moral collapse is the monster that now goes today by the name of – Boko Haram.
Related to the foregoing, we should pause and clarify in our minds just what we mean by an expression I employed earlier – a Higher Order of Restitution.
That clarification is necessary, because some habitually place that ‘higher order’ in the realms of the Unseen, making themselves the privileged intermediary and interpreters of directives or decisions from that fictive realm.
This is a dangerous avoidance of responsibility or, as in the last cited instance, blasphemous opportunism. I refer here however to catechisms of resignation such as – “leaving everything in the hands of God”, and allied sermonizing.
When literally embraced, as in the literal invocation of ‘siddon look’, it simply leaves an open field to bullies, cheats, malefactors and all kinds of social predators.
Again, I must point out that there are those whose deployment of that phrase is purely metaphorical. With them, all they are saying is, let’s wait and see, rather than fulminate pointlessly and impotently. Worse than inaction, I find, is pretence to action.
With the literal advocates of an Invisible, Supreme Arbiter however, when, for instance, a murder is committed, or when, yet again a plane crashes, we are enjoined to accept what is a human lapse, neglect, or criminal commission as an act of God, the will of Allah or whatever other name by which their Omnipotence is known.
I always wish that I were God for just one second. I would look down in contempt and say, Very Good. Under the authority conferred upon me by that very humanity – I hereby transfer your case – to the Devil.
I hope it is understood that we are not playing semantic games – translate what we are expressing here into any language as we proceed and the message remains the same.
It addresses a cankerous tendency of our humanity, one that eats into the social will within which resides Justice, renders flaccid the redressing temper that should be innate to any self-respecting humanity.
Let us continue with our ground clearing exercise: of a different temper, albeit also dangerously allied to the literal application of “leaving everything to Almighty God” is the expression, “leave everything to time” or its many variants such as “it’s all a matter of time” or “Time will tell”.
These however represent a tolerable ambiguity in social attitudes. But it is equally critical to assure ourselves that we are not thereby taking refuge in the ante-chambers of the lair of Resignation, preaching that sooner or later, a resolution will unfold ‘in God’s own time’.
This, surely, is not the ideal of which humanity is capable. Even that expression “Time will tell” – translate it, for instance into – igba lo gba – should be limited to a candid acknowledgement that, for the moment – I repeat, for the moment – we lack the means to bring about the closure, the cause of justice that haunts us asleep or screams us awake.
If justice could be served in one fell swoop, in seconds, society would be paradise made real. Alas, it is hardly ever thus.
On that basis, even social impotence can be absorbed as a temporarily affliction. This means that we remain ever watchful, awaiting the moment when the broken moral order of existence – the order of violation and restitution – can be reestablished.
It demands – most critically – that we routinely ensure that memory does not go permanently to sleep. That we reject that sticker that goes on police files to read FILE CLOSED where the wounds and lacerations within society, with their suppurations remain – WIDE OPEN.
After all, a credible branch of that very category of believers that we indicated earlier also agrees that, “Heaven helps those who help themselves”.
So even the theology of resignation remains permanently contested, leaving to us one critical component of human definition – Choice.
We can choose resignation, or we can maintain that Justice is the paramount definition of social existence, and thereby assist, exhort and provoke Justice in its mission of self-fulfillment.
Why do we insist that this is incumbent on the social conscience? The answer is straightforward. Each death, so goes the saying, diminishes us.
Each unjust death however debases us, one and all! And we are not speaking here only of those unjustly railroaded to the gallows through the flawed mechanisms of the judicial process, especially in those societies where Power – operating as Class, Race or other schema of human separatism – has usurped the mantle of Justice and condemned the innocent to the gallows, the electric chair, or the gurney of lethal injection – check the trajectory of justice within the United States of America.
No, we are speaking here of Power, exercised through secretive or blatant surrogates, of corrupt power that extinguishes the lives of innocents, while procuring the violators the shield of immunity.
This is a phenomenon that has become rampant in this nation on an unprecedented scale over the past two decades, with a chillingly predictable outcome – CASE UNSOLVED!
How far back do we wish to go? What new manifestation of impunity makes us gasp? How many accusing fingers do we count pointing in this or that direction while awaiting divine solution from the Unseen Arbiter?
While memory is put to sleep, the founts of justice are polluted from the effluvium of power.
This is when citizens despair of the very possibility of Restitution and closure, and thus move to challenge Power itself, despite all its agencies of intimidation and social control, including violence, simply for that modicum of dignity that defines them as creatures of feeling, of social apportionment and equity.
Time to return to the victim figure in our appointed case, the very voice which , before its brutal silencing, gave rise to that ambiguous expression of “siddon look”.
As I have pointed out, that phrase was anything but an invitation to resignation. The most direct proof of this of course was that, even from the day that he uttered that phrase, he himself never did “siddon look”.
Very much the contrary! And this was why he suffered incarceration under the very regime in response to which that phrase was uttered, a passage that eventually turned out to be an augury for his eventual martyrdom at the hands of yet unknown assassins in his own bedroom, and another shameful chapter in the growing anthology of unsolved crimes.
But – unsolved? That really is the question that should agitate our minds. Are such cases truly unsolved? Or should our question confine itself to asking: are there not those among us – and in positions of public responsibility – who hoard valuable knowledge?
We cannot resurrect the dead but it is in our power, indeed it is imperative that society, lest it be buried alive with it, resurrect what has been buried alive.
Those who are capable of a deep, unbroken sleep with a succession of live burials in their backyards and front gardens are truly superhuman beings.
I envy them, readily acknowledge that I belong to the lesser breed who only sleep fitfully, haunted by the ghosts of live burials, knowing fully well that Impunity is an insatiable monster that can hardly ever be reined back once let loose on society.
Those who doubt this only need remind themselves of the statistics of political deaths that have been the lot of this nation, not counting those that have been disguised as armed robbery or casualties in the now burgeoning trade of kidnapping.
We must stop paying lip-service to Justice, or else name this the New Age of the Brute, while other societies continue to fine-tune their mechanisms of Law to such an extent that they can even begin to boast of a New Era of Enlightenment.
In the wake of the enquiries into the murder of the late Attorney-General of the nation, Chief Bola Ige, I drew attention, again and again, to the outcry of a judge, Justice Femi Abass, who revealed that intolerable pressure had been placed on him from ‘unexpected places’ to subvert justice in the application for bail from the principal accused.
In several statements, one of which has appeared also in the very first of that same series INTERVENTIONS – Justice,,,,Funeral Rites – I urged that this principled judge, who had kept meticulous notes, detailing time, date, place and names of his improper lobbyists – among them, lawyers sworn as officers of the law – preached that he should be invited to submit his diary for examination, so that the nation could affix names to these faceless people, extract from them the identities of those on behalf of whom they were acting, and why they all had such an inordinate interest in the case.
Only then, I insisted – and still so insist – would the mystery of that high-level murder conspiracy be resolved. I revealed that photocopies of two pages of Justice Abass’ diary were in my possession – as well as with other individuals to whom the judge had consigned them – and the entire diary – for safe keeping.
The implications of their content must surely be of interest – at the very least – to state agencies such as EFCC and ICPC. Attempted bribery, after all, is not irrelevant to the portfolios of these bodies, one of which was, after all, then headed by a former justice and the other, a police officer.
Currently, EFCC is pursuing a case of a forgery ring for US visas – so how could there have been such a lack of interest in bribery attempts within the judiciary, and in such a notorious case?
Concerning the direct investigators on the case, I indict you yet again before the nation and before the world: you cannot claim to be serious about a murder enquiry if you fail to take an interest in those shadowy fronts who attempted to influence the presiding judge.
It means, very simply, that you have deliberately refused to follow valuable leads. Here is an extract from my commentary at the time:
“Was it simply a routine move that Justice Abass was transfered out of his seat of judgment in Ibadan soon after? Another coincidence?
“Until the spirit of that murdered national and international servant is appeased by Truth and Revelation, its feet will continue to sprout above the very ground we all tread.
“Something is truly rotten in the state of the nation, where a judge screams out loud to be saved from ‘pressure from high places’ and his cry goes unheeded.”
Impunity breeds impunity. Consider the two cases – Justice Femi Abass and Justice Ayo Salami in detail, both in fact and in spirit. Was the predicament of today’s celebrant, Ayo Salami, not the very child of the travails of Femi Abass?
And do tell me, what role did Power play in both crises of Authority? Come to its aid? Or bury it deeper in the cesspit of impunity?
In the unheeded cry of pain that issues from the throat of Justice, we hear the death-rattle of mere mortals, and ultimately the death-rattle of a nation.
That stench refuses to be dissipated. It envelops us, contaminates us as citizens of the same nation space. In the pursuit of justice, delay must be counted an accessory, but permanent silence in itself becomes an equal partner-in-crime, its culpability level rising with time.
Just as the nation constantly renews itself, so must that organism that we deem Ultimate Authority, and that is one organism that must extend the longest reach into an even longer memory.
It goes beyond self-defence, the need to avoid the unleashing of forces that may prove untamable, a deluge of pent-up rage and frustration from denial, from the accumulation of criminalities against those who have placed their trust in the last resort, the hallowed hall of equity.
It is not simply the realization that when that sanctuary falls, anarchy, citizen vendetta, and the collapse of the civilized state will follow, sooner or later.
It goes beyond the fact that the past returns to haunt us, that taking refuge in the culture of convenient oversight regenerates criminality in an interminable spiral, each loop stronger than the last, since it rides on precedents of impunity.
It is simply a case of preserving – or else restoring – the integral wholeness of an institution that is both symbolic and actual, at once serene yet pro-active, unflappable yet impassioned, that citadel of ultimate recourse that we revere as Justice.
Today, in this nation, Justice is on trial! But let me repeat: I do not task the Judiciary alone as the agency for bringing that validation of civilized society – Justice – within the reach of all.
No, it is no news that the Judiciary is on trial. Blatant manipulations, haggling and marketing of justice on the auction block have scandalized us in the public domain, sufficiently clamorous to have prompted the new Head of the Supreme Court to embark openly on a reform agenda.
It is when the people themselves fail to hound the other agencies of Justice until they bring the culpable to lie prostrate before that throne that is raised to Justice, where the people themselves abandon the critical role of memory and the virtue of persistence – that is when Justice finds itself in the universe of doubt, of cynicism and finally, repudiation.
We all are profoundly responsible. We all are, both those who believe that ‘siddon look’ is the literal portion of citizenry, and others, who understand that it is an ironic challenge to complacency and a rebuke to supine acquiescence.
The failure to ensure Justice in its multiple forms, even when it takes, optimistically, the form of eventual forgiveness and reconciliation – for these are also valid routes to the altar of Justice – Revelation, Contrition, necessarily strengthened with Restitution, then Forgiveness or Reconciliation – yes, these are also components of Justice that should never be underestimated – this route that calls on a magnanimity of spirit are never excluded.
But first, Revelation – this is where we all empowered – those who are in direct possession of the truth, and the rest who can compel this minority to reveal what they know.
Where the clumsy machinery of state fails, defaults or betrays, then we must, as conscionable beings, assist Justice to fulfill its being through every means at our disposal. The simplest of these means costs nothing.
It is accessible to high and low, rich and poor, the powerful and the powerless, and that possession is known as – Memory.
The refusal to forget, until Justice is made manifest, felt in the most mundane aspects of our communal being.
This, in every sense, is the validation of events of honour such as this, convocations that challenge the complicity of Power in depredations against Authority.
Reinstate this victim of injustice, screamed all the arms of Authority. But Power responded: No, I cannot hear you. The lesson is clear: we must learn to scream louder, with greater passion, and without relenting.
And now it is from that same source of monumental denial that emerges a call to the nation to – Dialogue. Dialogue! Genuine? Sincere? Or simply a distraction? A political ploy? A game?
Yet another of the self-serving gambits that this nation has endured at the hands of predecessors in the seat of power? Or a new opportunity, perhaps the very last, for a tottering giant to find its feet.
Well, let us assume that it will happen, that the calls for a boycott will give way to – albeit – watchful participation. Why the call for a National Dialogue in the first place?
We could put the answer this way: an acceptance – however belated – that something is amiss in the nation weal. An acknowledgement that the foundation of nation being is deeply flawed, that the parts of a supposed whole are malfunctioning, working at variance with one another, that the turning of the wheel is far from harmonious.
All that is undoubtedly true, but when you seek the common denominator of these ills, you will encounter, again and again, that eloquent absence, a yawning abyss in place of the emanating core of a nation’s heartbeat – Justice.
Whether we are speaking of the relation of the parts to one another, the relation of the parts to the whole, the apportionment of a nation’s resources – both palpable and intangible, both human and material, between denied or acknowledged class stratifications, between and across Religions, between genders and across interest groups however defined, between Power and Authority – at base, and responsible for the nation’s crisis is that immaterial presence but one that is palpably manifested in its effects on individual and collective existence – Justice.
Permit me to seize upon one more excerpt from my tribute to that individual whose voice resounded vibrantly among those who called for that same dialogue. I cautioned:
“This is not a death in isolation. It thrusts itself outwards as an encapsulation of the killings that have dominated our landscape these many lamentable years.
“The question that this Absence places before us is a simple one: shall we come together and engage in a sincere dialogue, or shall we continue to splutter through these terminal monologues of serial violence?
“Those who continue to reject this dialogue of peoples – no matter by what name it is called – who continue to concoct untenable reasons for its avoidance, and attribute impure motives to its advocates, have merely chosen to concede the last word to the Party of Death.
“We are a nation that kills our best. Generosity is a tainted word. Largeness of heart is regarded as a medical condition, like an enlarged heart, requiring drastic intervention.
“Tolerance is ridiculed as the mark of weakness. And so we kill the generous, the large of heart, the tolerant. Even the symbols that should heal and bind the nation together are turned into agencies of death – including those of faith, piety, religion…..”
We are bound in a common cause to terminate the impulse that takes our best, our brightest. Every day, we move closer to a polarisation of the world into two communities – the community of life and – the cabal, or Party of death.
That death is inevitable is such a banal comment on existence that it deserves no further avowal. When we speak of the Party of Death therefore, we refer to those whose life mission – often blasphemously transposed into a mandate of religion – is not towards the enhancement of life as an inextinguishable continuum in the consciousness of generation after generation – but a quick, and easy resolution in butchery.
We speak of the Party of Death as a mindless surrender before the challenge that confronts and excites others with the complexities of intuition, discovery, creativity and the social articulations that define the human phenomenon.
The feeble twitches of the killer, however lethal, is a confession of that intense frustration at, and admission of – creative impotence, of an inability to extinguish the infinite experience that is life. We reject the blasphemous who seek to play God by appropriating the right to the measure of existence of humanity.
“Shall we come together and engage in a sincere dialogue?” I demanded. That was twelve years ago, when Bola Ige was silenced, and of course there had been allied cries from us all, even before then.
Well then, so now we have the same counter voices, scornful of the very notion of dialogue, and they have done a 180 degree turn! Suddenly, national dialogue is no longer the abomination in which it was clothed some years ago.
Ridicule has been transformed to sense of purpose, even solemnity. And so, quite rightly, the people are suspicious. Why the change of heart, goes the question? Why now?
What deodorant has been employed by those whose mouths were considered to stink when they counseled Dialogue? National Dialogue? National Conference – with or without that much misunderstood, much maligned word – sovereign. Suspicion is therefore inevitable, even essential, but it should not be allowed to scuttle prospects, however slim, of the renewed crafting of protocols for a sane, disciplined and just society.
That, above all, a just society – socially, politically and economically just. These are not rhetorical catch-phrases, though we often encounter them glibly trotted out as such – most especially at election time. Those interlinked compartments of justice – social, political and economic are inescapable for the re-ordering of any social organism.
There are numerous – and clamorous – items that will vie for attention within a proposed National dialogue. Without question, all over the country minds are being rubbed together to catapult such issues into prominence.
My focus today has been quite simply and modestly – the unfinished business of the living dead. And let no one attempt to fob us off with fake pietisms such as letting the past bury itself.
The National Conference – if it does take place – must insist on a Standing Commission, an independent Judicial commission to exhume that past and re-open its case files.
The late Yar’adua was not courting votes when he ordered the police agencies to re-open such files and provide the nation with answers. Please recall that I did meet Yar’Adua both in company, and immediately after, on a one-on-one meeting during the upsurge of MEND violence.
His order has been issued even before those meetings, at the very beginning of his tenure, and was a response to the consciousness of a huge, ominous cloud that weighed upon both governance and the governed polity.
That undertaking was a call for national exorcism, without which the nation not only continues to live a lie, but invites the perpetuation of the homicidal culture of impunity.
From Argentina and her hideous record of torture and the disapparecidos – as the simply vanished were known – to Rwanda and the reign of the Hutu genocidaires, every nation has learnt that it cannot guarantee a future, a stable future, without confronting the past.
A National Dialogue based on a pretence that there are no ghosts hovering over the debaters? This again would be to build a future on a yawning abyss – a guaranteed collapse of that very future, however ingeniously crafted.
The abyss is waiting to swallow it intact, to accommodate, even enthrone the criminals of the past as guarantors of future impunity.
They are very much around, occupants of prestigious positions, interfering in and even directing the nation’s destiny, installing and re-installing their clones.
Failure to mobilize against them makes us willing accessories in our own destruction. The culture of impunity is spreading fast, constituting a livid stain across the national visage.
A word of caution. Dialogue mandates inclusion, but Dialogue does not translate as Appeasement. If the goal is transformation, ordination of a viable future, then those who make it a life mission to kill the future cannot be part of the dialogue.
To extinguish innocent lives on their way to preparing themselves for that future, in classrooms, in their dormitories, even in their homes, as has become the lurid, vampiric signature of those who also claim to seek dialogue, and even mouth the name of Justice, is a degradation of the very principle of Dialogue, and a collapse of the destination of Dialogue that we term the Future.
A nation that shuns memory is a people without a future. There are certain acts whose perpetrators have placed themselves beyond the pale of humanity, and we must never shy away from expelling them from community, or else re-define humanity altogether.
Earlier, I made a point of stating that Justice is sometimes served even through the exercise of magnanimity, forgiveness and reconciliation. Let us note however that none of these virtues panders to appeasement.
They demand, on the contrary, a rigorous process of collective morality. I once described the heroic example of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation in terms such as – a symbolic passage through an archway, beyond which lies the future.
One arc of that archway is Truth, or Revelation, the other – Forgiveness, or Reconciliation. Holding up both arcs, however, is the capstone.
Without that capstone, the archway collapses – as every builder will testify. Both arcs converge upon that capstone, and its name is – Restitution or – Justice.
Power is transient, Justice Eternal. I look around me, absorb the quality of the assemblage in this hall, gathered in solidarity with Justice as in “Justice in Denial”.
These formal caryatids of the vessel of Authority, are an eloquent testimony to the timeless craving that separates brute power from humanized existence – that essence, that leaven in the yeast of social ferment, bears the eternal name of – Justice.
—The Honourable Justice Ayo Salami Lecture delivered by Wole Soyinka in Abuja.

Men Compete to Be Fattest in the Village by Drinking Gruesome Mixture of Blood and Milk

Men Compete to Be Fattest in the Village by Drinking Gruesome Mixture of Blood and Milk

Men Compete to Be Fattest in the Village by Drinking Gruesome Mixture of Blood and Milk
Slim might be in elsewhere but for Ethiopia’s Bodi or Me’en people, bigger is always better.
The tribe, which lives in a remote corner of Ethiopia’s Omo Valley, is home to an unusual ritual which sees young men gorge on cow’s blood and milk in a bid to be crowned the fattest man.
Six months after starting the regime, the men emerge to show off their newly engorged physiques and for a winner to be chosen. The champion fat man is then feted as a hero for the rest of his life.
Now the little known rite is the subject of incredible photos taken by French shutterbug Eric Lafforgue – who spent time with the Bodi while travelling through south-western Ethiopia during the run up to the Bodi New Year or Ka’el ceremony.
Sadly, the Ka’el ritual and the Bodi’s traditional way of life is under threat from the Ethiopian government who plan to resettle 300,000 people from all over the country on their lands.
For now, the tribe continue as they always have, and still celebrate Ka’el in traditional style each June.
The contest begins six months before the ceremony. Every family is allowed to present an unmarried man for the challenge, who, after being chosen, retires to his hut and must not move or have sex for the duration.
Food comes in the form of a cow’s blood and milk mixture, served regularly to the men by women from the village.
‘The cows are sacred to the Bodi tribe so they are not killed,’ explains Lafforgue. ‘The blood is taken by making a hole in a vein with a spear or an axe, and after that, they close it with clay.’
Because of the scorching temperatures, the men have to drink the two-litre bowl of blood and milk quickly before it coagulates but as Lafforgue reveals, not everyone can handle drinking so much at speed.
‘The fat men drink milk and blood all day long,’ he says. ‘The first bowl of blood is drunk at sunrise. The place is invaded by flies. The man must drink it quickly before it coagulates but some cannot drink everything and vomit it.’
On the day itself, the men cover their bodies with clay and ashes before emerging from their huts for the walk to the spot where the ceremony will take place.
Thanks to the weight gain, many of them find covering the short distance tougher than the weeks spent fattening up. ‘Some fat men are so big that they cannot walk anymore,’ explains Lafforgue.
‘One asked me if he could use my car to go to the ceremony area. Once in the car, he started to drink milk and blood again because he said he wanted to keep trying to be the fattest until the very last moment.’
The ceremony itself involves spending hours walking in a circle around a sacred tree, watched by the other men and helped by the women who ply them with alcohol and wipe away the sweat.
Once the fattest man has been chosen, the ceremony ends with the slaughter of a cow using a huge sacred stone. Village elders will then inspect the stomach and the blood to see whether the future will be a bright one or not.
After the ceremony, the men’s lives return to normal and most lose their enormous bellies after a few weeks of eating sparingly. But a few weeks later, the next generation of competitively fat Bodi men will be chosen and the cycle will begin again.
‘Becoming a fat man is the dream of every Bodi kid,’ says Lafforgue. ‘A few weeks [after the ceremony] he will recover a normal stomach but he will remain a hero for life.’
Men Compete to Be Fattest in the Village by Drinking Gruesome Mixture of Blood and Milk2
Men Compete to Be Fattest in the Village by Drinking Gruesome Mixture of Blood and Milk3
Men Compete to Be Fattest in the Village by Drinking Gruesome Mixture of Blood and Milk4
Men Compete to Be Fattest in the Village by Drinking Gruesome Mixture of Blood and Milk5

This Hot Babe Is Actually A Guy: Never Judge A Book By It’s Cover

VIDEO: This Hot Babe Is Actually A Guy: Never Judge A Book By It’s Cover

Date Posted: 31/10/2013

Who will believe that this beautiful girl is actually a guy that transformed into a lady. Never judge a book by its cover.

Mother of Seven Caught In Lagos Trying To Dispose One Day Old Baby in Sack

Mother of Seven Caught In Lagos Trying To Dispose One Day Old Baby in Sack

Mother of Seven Caught In Lagos Trying To Dispose One Day Old Baby in Sack
A widow aged 40, who simply identified herself as Mujidat was caught on Wednesday with a dead day old baby she hid inside a sack around her residence at 2, Reverend Alimi Street, NEPA Phase I, Ijagemo in Iba Local Council Development Area of Lagos State, southwest Nigeria.
It came to the fore that a member of the community, High Chief Babatunde Balogun caught the mother of seven when she was trying to dispose the baby at about 5 p.m. on Wednesday.
When questioned on the content of the sack, she claimed she was coming from the market where she bought some household items.
However, on a closer look, Balogun discovered that the sack contained a dead day old baby the woman allegedly had just delivered.
He then called the attention of the other residents. Neighbours said that after Mujidat’s husband known as Baba Mushin died about three years ago, they have seen men visiting her residence, the house built by her late husband.
When asked if she planned to throw away the baby because of an alleged paternity mess, she denied, claiming that a welder turned block maker near her residence was responsible for the pregnancy that resulted in the birth of the dead baby she was caught with.
She claimed she took delivery of the baby by herself because she found it easy and therefore did not go to any hospital or sought anybody’s help.
At about 9 p.m yesterday, residents of the area were still milling around the residence of the woman.
Officials of the Community Development Association, CDA, in the area later accompanied the woman and her sack of baby to the Isheri-Oshun Police Division where the matter was reported. At the time of this report, the woman was still being interrogated.

Wife Beat Up Her Husband BedMate Mercilesly

PHOTOS: Rukky Sanda Exposes Private Parts In Tight Outfit

PHOTOS: Rukky Sanda Exposes Private Parts In Tight Outfit

Nigerian actress, Rukky Sanda was recently spotted in these tights which certainly did not leave much to the imagination.
The outline of her private area seems pretty obvious, but the actress does not seem to mind. Or maybe she did not notice.
What do you guys think?
READ MORE: http://news.naij.com/49676.html

Is This How A Millitary General Behaves?

Is This How A Millitary General Behaves?

An Army General at war (jjnaira) instructing his warriors fighting in Nigeria rudely communicates to them. the video is just an awesome fiction. Watch and share. Kudos to jjnaira!
Remember to click the iFollow button for more..

Most Amazing African Music Video By Ugandan Village Locals.

Most Amazing African Music Video By Ugandan Village Locals.

If there’s a Song that’s Gonna win this Year’s African Music Video Awards and the Kora Awards Then Uganda’s Sylvester’s Campaign Song For Uganda Village Women fund Raising Program will definitely win it.
Watch the Amazing Video done by Village Locals Both the Video and the song lyrics all makes a whole lot of sense.

Chinese University Student Caught Makíng Love In The Bush [PHOTOS]

Chinese University Student Caught Makíng Love In The Bush [PHOTOS]

So Chinese people really engage in such immoral?
They Were captured by a jealous student as they were making love in the bush without shame, this is really ridiculous...

crazy things animal do

Uncertainty as Pupils Share Classrooms with Snakes

Uncertainty as Pupils Share Classrooms with Snakes

Uncertainty as Pupils Share Classrooms with Snakes
Rift Valley, Kenya: Salabani Primary in Baringo South is literally a bush school.
In the last two months, pupils have been learning in the bush, dodging snakes and hippos after the school was submerged by water from Lake Baringo.
Each class is assigned a specific tree, which also acts as an anchor to the mobile blackboards.
As the more than 500 pupils compete for shade in the sweltering Baringo heat (currently 36 degrees Celsius) they also have to contend with insects and ants.
According to deputy headmaster Joel Chemjor, the flooding began claiming part of the school grounds in September last year. Two months ago, the entire school was under water.
“The children are very discouraged,” he says. “Snakes are crawling around as the pupils try to concentrate on their studies and the dust is also not good for them. Many of them have flu.”
The teachers’ quarters, the library, the school store and 18 toilets have been submerged as well. What was once the playground is now a mass of water, with a layer of greenish-yellow hyacinth.
Salabani Secondary School students are using the partially submerged classrooms as bathrooms, oblivious of the health risk posed.
Teachers have been forced to take refuge in nearby houses, but those are just temporary premises as most of their property remains under water.
Children are difficult to manage because they are all over the bush. But that is the least of their problems, as they live each day afraid that the swelling lake might also swallow their living quarters.
The 500 pupils use three mobile toilets, each five feet deep. Their teachers use toilets at Salabani Secondary School, which is a kilometre away.
Another threat is from Lake Baringo hippopotamus. The animals invade the area from 7.00pm and leave at 6.00am. Nobody dares be in the school compound between those hours.
The pupils have no shoes and have to contend with thorns of the infamous Mathenge bush and poisonous cactus.
“Even the pupils’ population has reduced drastically and our classes are leaner these days. Parents have resorted to transferring their children to distant primary schools such as Lomayana and Eldepe Isinya. The rest are here because they have no choice,” says Mr Chemjor.

A fraudster caught in Bauchi state by the police paraded and abused

A fraudster caught in Bauchi state by the police paraded and abused

A fraudster caught in Bauchi state by the police paraded and abused.
Not sure what this man is saying in Hausa but why did the other man slap him? They have cuffed him. It is clear he cannot run.
What is the slap and beating for? What happened to taking people to court and allowing the full wrath of the law take its course?

Bus Driver Saves Woman From Jumping off Bridge In A Suicide Attempt.

Bus Driver Saves Woman From Jumping off Bridge In A Suicide Attempt.

On Oct. 18 2013, Darnell Barton, a school bus driver in Buffalo, N.Y., was carrying a full load of high school students and approaching the Scajaquada Expressway overpass. There, he saw a woman on the opposite side of the rail, standing where no person ought to be, leaning out over the traffic below.
Barton stopped the bus and tried to assess the truth of what his eyes were telling him.
“I didn’t think it was real with everything else going on around her,” he said. “Traffic was proceeding as normal and a couple of pedestrians walked right by her and a bicyclist rode by. I mean, they were inches from her.”
Barton stepped out and began talking to the woman, who looked at him and didn’t respond. Inside the bus, students were weeping. So Barton edged toward her and finally got close enough to reach out.
“She turned back to look at me and then back at the traffic and that’s when I kind of lunged and got my left arm around her body,” Barton said. “I asked her, ‘Do you want to come on this side of the guard rail now?’ and that was the first time she spoke to me and said, ‘Yeah.’ ”
They both sat down together on the sidewalk. The woman looked at Barton, who’d splashed on a little extra cologne that morning, and said, “You smell good.” He sagged with relief, knowing that she had come back to reality.
Within a few minutes, emergency service personnel had arrived on the scene. Another bus came to take away the students. Barton received a standing ovation from his students and praise from the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority. And then he went right back to work to finish his route.

Craziest football skills you will ever see

School Girls Confess To Being Devil Worshippers, They Are Expelled From School

School Girls Confess To Being Devil Worshippers, They Are Expelled From School

Posted on School Girls Confess To Being Devil Worshippers, They Are Expelled From School
Rift Valley, Kenya: Two secondary school girls have been expelled after they allegedly confessed that they were devil worshippers.
Parents at Tulwo Girls High School yesterday resolved to send home the two and directed the school administration not to readmit them.
The parents and teachers association chairman, Mr Josephat Serem, said the decision was arrived at to reduce tension in the school.
He said the girls confessed that they were devil worshippers to fellow students.
They had been locked in a room for prayers before Nandi secondary teachers’ union leader Paul Rotich stormed the school and rescued them and took them to hospital.

‘Jesus and Mary’ Appear on Google Earth

‘Jesus and Mary’ Appear on Google Earth

Posted on ‘Jesus and Mary’ Appear on Google Earth - Photo
Jesus and Mary have been spotted on Google Earth. The extraordinary image, which can be seen on the satellite imaging site, appears to show a shrouded Messiah accompanied by Mother Mary.
The dark image of the son of God can be seen on the left, while his mother’s outline, coloured white and pink, is on the right.
Mary even appears to be cloaked in a flowing gown, head bowed and hands held in prayer.
The image was snapped by Google as its imaging vehicle drove along the A5 highway near Walensee, in Switzerland.

Guess the Nigeria Superstar cooking Egusi in Her Undies

Guess the Nigeria Superstar cooking Egusi in Her Undies

So to all my viewers, can you guess this 9ja superstar cooking egusi in her undies.. *look closer and you will see what I’m talking bout’ at the same time, feel free to leave your comment and ALSO click the iFollow button for more Videos from me
A new EXCLUSIVE Video will be released on Nov 2nd So click the iFollow

Niger State Governor Babangida Aliyu Joins 2015 Presidential Race

Niger State Governor Babangida Aliyu Joins 2015 Presidential Race

Niger State Governor Babangida Aliyu Joins 2015 Presidential Race
Babangida Aliyu, the Niger state governor has expressed his readiness to take a shot at the Presidency in 2015, if his people want him to join the race.
Speaking yesterday in Minna, the state capital, the governor said, “I always prepare myself for eventuality. I have never declared for anything. I didn’t declare to be governor; I was called upon. So, if my people call upon me, I won’t hesitate to contest.”
Aliyu cautioned against political intolerance of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at all levels of government to opposition noting that a one-party state was undemocratic.
He maintained that a multiple-party system at any level would encourage healthy competition and enable the people to choose the best to be their leaders.
“Every ruling party wants to have a one-party state. I encourage a multiple-party system so that there would be peer review and for the people to have choices of ideology and style. We need to show the people the differences in what is to be done and how we can run the affair of governance,” he said.
“A one-party state is undemocratic as it makes one to want to crush another over a little disagreement.”

Two hot Naija girls wants you to see what they can do with their ikebe

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Man in Lagos Drugs Wife for 3-Day Marathon Love Making

Man in Lagos Drugs Wife for 3-Day Marathon Love Making

Posted on  Man in Lagos Drugs Wife for 3-Day Marathon Love Making
A nursing mother, Mrs. Glory Ojuala, has narrated how her husband, Alex Ojuala, drugged her for three days in order to have sex with her a few days after she was delivered of a baby at her matrimonial home in Lagos State.
The mother of three children made the shocking revelation at Ejigbo Customary Court in Lagos State on Monday while testifying before the court following a petition she filed before the court for dissolution of their 15-year marriage.
The 30-year old housewife claimed that two days after she gave birth to their child, her husband started pestering her for sex in the presence of her mother, who was on a visit.
Glory told the court that she denied her husband sex because she was still recovering from the pangs of childbirth and was breast feeding, but he accused her of having extramarital affairs and cut the family’s daily feeding allowance to N100 to punish her.
Glory alleged that she did not know that her husband had an ulterior motive when he gave her a soft drink while she was eating on the day her husband drugged her.
The nursing mother alleged that after she took the soft drink, she couldn’t explain what happened afterwards until she was revived in a hospital three days later.
She said that she later knew that her husband drugged her to have sex with her when he confessed that he did so because she was denying him sex and was sleeping with other men.
She told the court that after the incident she moved out of his house and since then they have been living separately, while her husband abandoned their children for her to take care of them alone.
The embittered woman had petitioned the court seeking for the dissolution of their 15-year marriage on the grounds that her husband was threatening her life, did not take care of her and their children and beat her, adding that she does not love him anymore.
Glory asked the court to compel Alex to take care of their children by providing for their upkeep and education.
In response, Alex denied all the allegations made against him and said he had been taking care of his family until trouble started.
Alex said he used to give his wife N200 daily before leaving for work and wondered how she would claim that he did not take care of her and their children.
He also said that he was no longer interested in the relationship and asked the court to dissolve the marriage, though he promised to provide N10,000 for the upkeep and education of the children.
Mr. T. A.  Eko, the president of the court queried Alex for abandoning the responsibility of the training their children for his estranged wife to shoulder and asked him to have a change of heart for the interest of the children.
The matter was adjourned till March 2014.

PHOTO: John Dumelo Introduces Mom

PHOTO: John Dumelo Introduces Mom

Date Posted: 30/10/2013

Ghana-born actor John Dumelo introduces his beautiful mother.
The prolific actor started his acting career in the TV series Sun City and About to Wed.
In 2008, he got his first movie role in The King is Mine. Today, he is known as one of the most talented people of Ghana.
Check out photos of the woman who raised such a wonderful child


Bride Mistakenly Had Séx With Groomsman - He Didn't Resist

Bride Mistakenly Had Séx With Groomsman - He Didn't Resist

A Chinese bride mistakenly had séx with her new husband's groomsman, after she had jumped into the wrong béd. 
According to reports by Chinese media, Huang, the bride, during the night went out for bathroom located outhouse and then entered the wrong room on her return.
When the woman woke up she realized what had happened. She ran through the house yelling for help and accusing the groomsman of ráping.
It was decided by everyone that the groomsman Ruan should pay the newlywed couple 20,000 yuan.
Meanwhile Ruan resposnded that he wasn't the one who had done something wrong adding that he had no money.
The couple later took the matter to police, but a county-level court ruled that the groomsman was not guilty of rápe.

You Are Deaf and Dumb, ASUU Tells Federal Government

You Are Deaf and Dumb, ASUU Tells Federal Government

You Are Deaf and Dumb, ASUU Tells Federal Government
The Federal Government’s attitude towards the ongoing Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universities (ASUU) strike has been condemned by the lecturers’ body.
ASUU said that if the government had not defaulted in the implementation of the agreement reached and signed with the union, there would not have been a strike action.
In an exclusive interview, ASUU Chairman, University of Ibadan Chapter, (UI) said, “It is unfortunate the situation we have found ourselves in this country. When we started this strike action, we felt we are dealing with a responsible and responsive government.
“We felt this is a government that would want to do that which is the yearning of the people. We felt this is a government that will see the need to quickly address issues that have led us to the strike.
“It is a pity that we have been talking to deaf and dumb government. This is the fourth month and this government is not yielding to the wishes of Nigerians which is to fund public universities appropriately.”
“It is not a nice story that Nigeria’s universities have been shut for four months and the government is not putting in serious efforts to making sure that the problems are addressed. It is really sad.”
The nation’s universities, Ajiboye noted, cannot continue to run the way they are presently. He said that without the urgent intervention of the government to arrest the rot that has accumulated over years, the universities cannot produce the expected results.
According to the ASUU leader, the union has refused to shift ground so that public universities could be protected for the children of the poor to have access to the university education and have universities to go.
He lamented how the government has killed both primary and secondary schools in the country, saying that efforts should be put in place to sustain public tertiary institutions.
“The private universities are unaffordable for the poor. The lowest school fee in a private university is N700, 000. Where can parents that are on minimum wage of N18, 000 get such amount of money to send their children to such university?